jax-ws using soap and wsdl
> mkdir -p helloservice/endpoint/
> mkdir build
> javac -d build helloservice/endpoint/*java
> C:\dev\ides\eclipse\workspace\attachmentws>wsgen -d build -s build -cp c:\dev\ides\eclipse\workspace\attachmentws\build helloservice.endpoint.Hello
> java -cp build helloservice.endpoint.Server
This is to generated web service classes for the service and WSDL and XSD
C:\dev\ides\eclipse\workspace\FileAttachmentExample>wsgen -d bin -s bin -wsdl -cp c:\dev\ides\eclipse\workspace\FileAttachmentExample\bin com.company.jira.services.ws.attach.server.FileTransferImpl
This is to generate web service classes for the client based on the WSDL from the localhost
wsimport -keep -p net.codejava.ws.binary.client http://localhost:9898/codejava/fileService?wsdl