How to run a packaged Java file from any folder
Here is the structure of the Java project, were bin is the output folder
├─ src
| └── com
| ├── van
| └──
├─ bin
To compile the try the following command from the demo folder that will place the .class file in the package folders within bin folder
$ javac -classpath ./src ./src/com/van/ -d ./bin
├─ src
| └── com
| ├── van
| └──
├─ bin
| └── com
| ├── van
| └── Demo.class
To run the Java class, try the following command
$java -cp ./bin com.van.Demo
where cp is the classpath option
How to run executable Java Jar files
Here we have a sample1 project that shows how to build and execute java programs as a Jar file.
├─ com
└── vlv
├── demosample
Above tree structure show the java source and class objects in their package structure.
Here is the sample code for
package com.vlv.demosample;
import java.lang.*;
public class GetProps {
public static void main (String [] args) {
String s;
try {
System.out.println ("-------------------");
System.out.println(" value");
s = System.getProperty("", "not given");
System.out.println("os is " + s);
System.out.println("about java.version");
s = System.getProperty("java.version", "not given");
System.out.println("java version " + s);
System.out.println("about user home");
s = System.getProperty("user.home", "not given");
System.out.println("user home " + s);
System.out.println("about java home");
s = System.getProperty("java.home","not given");
System.out.println("java home " + s);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("caught exception " + e.toString());
$ javac com/vlv/demosample/
Run the above command to compile the java code and the structure is like follows:
├─ com
└── vlv
├── demosample
├── GetProps.class
Now create a manifest file that would specify the Main-Class, which will make the jar an executable one.
Please refer the contents of the mainfest.txt file : manifest.txt
Now create an executable jar file with the below command:
$ jar -cvfm showproperties.jar manifest.txt *
Here is the command to run the showproperties.jar
$ java -jar showproperties.jar